Monday, November 07, 2016 by Mary Wilder
When you take a look at the state of the world today, uncertainty is around every corner. Between the radical Islamic terrorism, the evergrowing globalist empire and the general unpredictable nature of life itself, there is no way to know for certain what tomorrow will bring. Because of this, it is necessary to be prepared for anything that may come our way.
Part of being prepared for the inevtiable collapse of society includes have an adequate supply of storable survival food. When it all comes crashing down around us, having enough food to survive off of is necessary, but it is important to make sure that you’re selecting the right storable foods. As has recently been revealed, a lot of food that is currently being marketed as “survival food” is filled with loads of unhealthy chemicals and GMOs.
So even if you survive the collapse long enough to eat the food you have stocked up, you could still die from a horrible disease as a result of this.
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, of Natural News writes, “Nearly all the popular survival food sold today is loaded with GMOs, MSG and chemical pesticides, and this fact is obvious from looking at their ingredients labels. Eating survival food in an emergency shouldn’t mean poisoning yourself with toxic chemicals, and it’s long past time that the survival food industry stopped using chemical ingredients that promote disease and death.”
Thankfully, there are some organic food products with a long shelf life out there, so you don’t have to resort to eating garbage if you find yourself in the midst of a survival setting. After all, we are certainly on the horizon of dangerous times and World War III doesn’t seem too far off. With our politicians turning their backs on the American people in an attempt to generate more profits for themselves, the collapse is coming whether we like it or not.
If we are going to continue to live meaningful lives, we are going to need to take our personal health into account more often. The American people have a tendency to indulge in things that directly conflict with our health, so changes are needed to be made. When there are actually health-conscious alternatives out there, there is no reason not to select them over the chemical-filled products being peddled.
We deserve to have organic food products available at our disposal. We deserve to know what we are consuming.
Tagged Under: Tags: Health Ranger, organic food, storage food