News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 ways the GENOCIDE CULT wants to FORCE-VACCINATE all humans, except themselves and their own children
Anyone who thinks they can refuse to be turned into an immune-compromised mutant is in for a rude awakening, according to the pharma globalists that are all part of a genocidal cult with the same agenda – reduce the world’s population by several billion people using deadly spike proteins and snake venom peptides. Since the […]
By S.D. Wells
Did a COVID-19 pandemic ever REALLY EXIST? Dr. Michael Yeadon makes a very strong case against the “novel” virus
Is there really a “novel” virus out there? Now that we see clearly the origins of “Covid-19” route directly back to the Wuhan laboratory, why would those who funded gain-of-function create and release a unique and original virus that would be so unpredictable that it could wipe out everybody, including “them?” The people responsible for […]
By S.D. Wells
The climate change vaccine: “Inoculate” your mind against the biggest hoax EVER
Vaccines are supposed to protect against disease infection, and since the mass conspiracy theory that humans are now the main cause of hot summers, hurricanes, tornadoes, and tsunamis is highly infectious, shouldn’t “healthy” humans have some way to protect themselves against Climate Change Cult (CCC) syndrome? Is someone you know battling the Climate Change Death […]
By S.D. Wells
“Climate Change” FANATICS are the GREATEST THREAT the world faces right now
The Climate Change Cult is the greatest threat planet earth and all of its inhabitants face right now, as they are extremely motivated to destroy all things that create and maintain human life, animal life, and plant life. The Climate Change Cult (CCC) wants to eliminate all CO2, the building block of all life on […]
By S.D. Wells
COINCIDENCE? Newly acquired Planned Parenthood building looks like Aztec child sacrifice pyramid for the “blood-thirsty” Satanic deity Tlaloque
Planned Parenthood’s main function is to prevent families from ever forming, as they perform more and more abortions every year, totaling close to 400,000 in 2020, about 30,000 more than the year before. In fact, that same year, abortions made up more than 96 percent of PP’s “pregnancy resolution services,” meaning their “counseling” and helping […]
By S.D. Wells
There are “NO REPURCUSSIONS IF THEY’RE WRONG” says actor and rapper ICE CUBE about the vaccine industry that tried to force him to get the deadly Covid jab
Since its inception, the vaccine industrial complex has enjoyed 100 percent “immunity” from being held responsible for dirty, defective, infectious vaccines that literally cause disease, inflict central nervous system disorders, plant heavy metal toxins in the brain, and fuel the autism epidemic. Sure, certain lawsuits and specific cases wound up being “settled” by the vaccine […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 Ways the Democrats in D.C. plan on REDUCING the POPULATION
Yes, the Vice President of the United States of America just said the “quiet part” out loud live on television for the whole world to hear, and try to digest. The not-so-brilliant sidekick for Resident Biden, who just informed the world that “AI” stands for artificial intelligence (because nobody knew that until she did), wants […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 UNCONVENTIONAL weapons of mass destruction
Many people are familiar with conventional weapons, such as combat helicopters, warships, landmines and artillery. Then there are weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear bombs, nuclear missiles and weapons that are radiological, chemical and biological. What most people don’t think much about as being weapons of mass destruction are those that are categorized as “medicine” […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 reasons mRNA COVID JABS are much more DEADLY than any other “vaccine” ever created
Never before have so many humans suffered from post-traumatic vaccine disorder. PTVD is sweeping the globe as the spike protein prions clog and clot the vascular system of those “vaccinated” with the gene mutation injections. In fact, mRNA “technology” is so deadly that the FDA never got approval to use it for humans, and even […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 INSIDIOUS goals of the communist Biden regime
Welcome to the era of fiscal insanity and deconstruction of the Republic of America. In this modern period, the term “liberal” means total intolerance and Godlessness, and “Green Energy” means a return to the Dark Ages. Under the rule of the Chi-Com puppet, Beijing Biden, peace is a dirty word. No longer are peaceful protests […]
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