News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Philly “Joy Bank” pays women to have babies while “Birthplace of America” has HIGHEST RATE of INFANT MORTALITY in America – cover for the clot shot effect?
When the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) clot shots came out, several healthcare agencies advised pregnant and breastfeeding women to avoid getting the vaccine due to “no or limited data” on its effects, even warning “women of childbearing age” that “pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination.” Even the World Health Organization said, “the use of this vaccine […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 ways to GET DUMBED DOWN in America from toxic food, toxic medicine and toxic information
It’s safe to say that anyone who got vaccinated for Covid actually believes that Big Pharma cares about American’s health and functions for the “greater good.” Nearly every natural health advocate on the planet, conversely, knows that Big Pharma and Big Government wants only the WORST for Americans’ health, because bad health is worth a […]
By S.D. Wells
From LAB to LUNGS: The real COVID timeline in a nutshell
Dirty “vaccines” have never been dirtier than the ones created for Covid-19. SARS-CoV-2 was created in a laboratory and released to start a pandemic, and this is no conspiracy theory (anymore), and actually never was one. Take a look at the history of this plandemic, and you will see the forest for the trees. From […]
By S.D. Wells
If they are willing to poison the chickens to stop them from laying eggs, they are likely poisoning the HUMAN food supply to stop us from having children
Even mainstream media news can’t avoid reporting the widespread devastation that is happening to chickens and eggs at farms across the country, sending the pricing of meat and byproducts through the roof. From massive fires and explosions at food processing plants, to animal feed poisoned with arsenic and infertility chemicals, it all seems to be […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 12 DEADLIEST WEAPONS of all time
Modern warfare sure has evolved. Gone are the days of the British line infantry, standing side by side in a wide line firing their single round Baker rifles. Gone are days of the cannons, used as a single shot explosive projectile launcher. Then, dial it way back to the ancient Greeks, when the flamethrower was […]
By S.D. Wells
TRIBUNAL FEAR: Covid-vaccine-pushing talking heads now BACK-PEDALING to cover their tracks for fear of future prosecution for conspiring to push deadly vaccines
When World War II came to an end in 1945, the United States, along with the Soviet Union, UK, and France, agreed to convene a joint tribunal, now known as the Nuremberg Trials, to try 21 of the most insidious surviving leaders of Nazi Germany, as well as six German organizations that supported “Hitler Science.” […]
By S.D. Wells
The INSIDIOUS Bill Gates intends to force-vaccinate all HUMANS by first injecting farm animals with deadly mRNA
The insidious pharma goons at Bayer are manufacturing mRNA vaccines for animals in Germany, including for potential variants of SARS-CoV-2. Merck is already selling mRNA vaccines for swine and harnessing RNA particle technology for other animal vaccinations for porcine circovirus and influenza A virus, according to their own website this year. Now, the infamous Bill […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 inventions and interventions to “save” planet Earth and the population that are most likely DETRIMENTAL to the environment and human health in the long run
For the biggest money laundering schemes on the planet to work, the rogue government and its agencies must convince the populace to support them; otherwise, the maximum amount of profits will not be realized. That means insidiously devising schemes that seem to save people from certain death, like preserving the normal temperatures on planet earth, […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 REAL events that most Americans would swear were conspiracy theories if they were not ALREADY happening
There are plenty of conspiracy theories ‘out there’ that may just be wild guesses at how something happened in the past, or is currently happening now. Many so-called conspiracy theories are real, but are labeled as such because the perpetrators of the horrors and tragedies use that as their best cover up, because it’s easy. […]
By S.D. Wells
PREDICTION CAME TRUE: Prior to the pandemic, in July of 2019, the Health Ranger correctly predicted the VACCINE HOLOCAUST now taking place across the globe
Almost three-and-a-half years ago, the Health Ranger Mike Adams predicted the maiming, injuring, and murdering of hundreds of millions of people across the globe. He called it a Vaccine Holocaust that would be achieved by a coordinated censorship (led by the corrupt CDC) of “all criticism of vaccines across every tech platform,” including Google, Fakebook, […]
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