News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
Eerie coincidence or smoking gun? Daszak warned WHO in 2018 that next pandemic would be caused by unknown, novel pathogen new to humans
Disease ecology expert Peter Daszak, who has a PhD in zoology and specializes in parasites that attack reptiles, was one of the first people to know about the existence of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). This is the same man who financed a whole collection of viruses found in bat urine, feces and blood, that could spill […]
By S.D. Wells
Nuremberg II: Mass-murder trials could commence after midterms for the vaccine-pushing genocidal maniacs Fauci, Walenski and more
The Covid crimes are years in the making and more than a handful of vaccine manufacturers and promoters could be on trial soon for mass-murder and conspiracy to commit genocide. Senator Rand Paul puts Dr. Anthony Fauci at the forefront of the whole plandemic brigade, since Fauci lied and DID help fund gain-of-function research that […]
By S.D. Wells
Joe Biden demands American children be MUTILATED by transgender surgical procedures and chemical castrations… a man with NO BRAIN wants children to have no reproductive organs
There has never been more of a “yes” man in the White House than right now. The Biden Regime’s manifesto to turn every American into an extreme liberal who only thinks about gender fluidity and free handouts all day is quite evident in every “speech” the fake president makes. The leader of the free world, […]
By S.D. Wells
The vaccine agenda was designed to bring down the economy
Start doing everything the corrupt government tells you to do and you will be broke, sick and starving in no time flat. In America, fear is big business, and within just two years, the propaganda machine of virus mania hand-walked 270 million Americans right to the poison well – submission by vaccination. Like David Copperfield […]
By S.D. Wells
MY BODY MY CHOICE? Insane Leftists and celebrities scream for abortion rights while insisting we all be FORCE VACCINATED for COVID-19
On the one hand, it makes sense. If you despise human life and enjoy killing babies in the womb, then you would also want people dying from clot shots, also known as COVID-19 “vaccines.” On the other hand, if you are screaming because the Supreme Court is ruling against your “rights” to control everything about […]
By S.D. Wells
VACCINE VIOLENCE: If you want to stop deaths from “shootings,” ban vaccines, not guns
We must consider banning COVID-19 vaccines that are causing mass casualties and death, because if the rationale is based on the tools and devices used to murder mass numbers of innocent humans, then the COVID “clot shot” jabs certainly need to be the priority. Where’s the proof? Let’s start this off with one of the […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 10 DRUG, CHEMICAL and TOXIN delivery devices used for population reduction and genocide
Most people do not believe that their government, especially the US government, is interested in drastically reducing the population of their country or nation using insidious methodologies, including medical “interventions.” Why in the world would the government want fewer people to be healthy, and more people dying, and what goals would be accomplished in that […]
By S.D. Wells
Gilead Sciences and the Gilead New World Order from HULU series Handmaid’s Tale – From Science Fiction to the Science behind COVID-19 vaccines (op-ed)
Yes, Big Pharma’s evil agenda is all hidden in plain sight. Welcome to the socio-science-fiction world of Gilead. Imagine for a moment if Hitler had all but won WWII and began his takeover of America in New England. Hitler had used chemical weapons and medical experimentation, made by his Pharma Giant I.G. Farben, to wage genocide […]
By S.D. Wells
HOW LONG until the world launches “Nuremberg” style murder trials for the evil scientists at Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J who created the deadly Covid jabs? (op-ed)
The CDC has become a “purely political organization,” says Dr. Robert Malone, one of the creators of mRNA injections, as they are the ones spreading medical misinformation and hiding critical data from physicians, scientists, health authorities and the American public. This misinformation constitutes fraud and is criminal. Also, according to Dr. Robert Malone, regarding the […]
By S.D. Wells
BLOODY SECRET: Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos want us eating LAB MEAT grown from the fetal blood of unborn baby cows
How can all the problems of factory farming be solved in one fell swoop? Just kill off most of the humans and there won’t be a need for breeding and feeding billions of cows, chickens, turkeys and pigs for slaughter. That’s the “bloody secret” among the eugenicists who are funding the genetically modified “cultured” lab-grown […]
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