News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
SECRET AGENDA: Globalists are using vaccines and pesticide-laden food to kill off humanity
The Globalists and the Democrats are pushing hard to convince everyone that global warming and overpopulation are real, so we’ll all vote for Big Government to come save us from ourselves, by taxing us heavily and force injecting us with those “safe and effective” vaccines. We must grow genetically modified food to save the starving, […]
By S.D. Wells
Moronic Contradiction: How can we all switch to solar power if Bill Gates blocks the sun with pollution?
The crazy Left never seems to think anything through before announcing schemes for the “greater good” or to “save the planet” from global warming. Take for instance the “Green New Deal.” We are all supposed to believe that somehow we can replace every fuel-burning machine in America in 10 years, including every factory, machine plant, automobile, farm […]
By S.D. Wells
Planned Parenthood donating $38 MILLION to 2020 Democrat candidates
Seems there are millions of dollars just laying around, folks, made “available” for Planned Parenthood to give away to anyone who supports executing live birth babies on the day they’re born. That’s strange. How did that come to be? Even Republicans, via paid taxes, are involuntarily funding population control by the extreme Left. Now the […]
By S.D. Wells
American abortion group targets Africans, Catholics with their extreme population control agenda
In a blatant attempt to target Catholic, African medical students with U.S. Leftist population control “strategies,” an extremist pro-abortion front group, masked by their name, wants to “convert” everyone in the medical community who’s Black, Catholic, and even thinking of having babies, into soul-less abortionists and avid supporters of infanticide. It’s not just a political […]
By S.D. Wells
Cure for saving Earth from “global warming” is more ABORTIONS, according to Democratic-Socialist-Communists
As we read about what’s really happening in France with mass protests over the “climate accord” agreement, we learn that it was all about taxing the working class for more big government control and wealth “redistribution.” Had Trump bought into the big lie, all fuel in America would currently be taxed and probably limit-capped, so nobody could […]
By S.D. Wells
Death Cult Democrats say killing newborn babies the day they’re born is good for the economy, so what’s next, exterminating senior citizens?
It’s now legal in New York to kill a perfectly healthy newborn child after it exits the mother’s womb, on the day of birth, if the mom and doctor agree the mom doesn’t want it. Abortionists are using sick and twisted methods to kill these day young humans, too, including forcing instruments into the soft […]
By S.D. Wells
Trifecta agenda of the INSANE LEFT: Reduce the population, enforce insanely high taxes, and destroy the entire agricultural industry
They’re done hiding. The “no plan” Democrats are all getting behind the insane “Green New Deal” plan to abort all human babies, tax the working class at 90 percent, and eliminate all the fuel used to farm and harvest crops in America. They’ve decided that an insane plan is better than having no plan, since […]
By S.D. Wells
TOP PRIORITIES for the Democrat Death Cult: Organ harvesting from LIVE BIRTH abortions and 5-mile deep concrete pylons for trains across the Pacific
No, you are currently not reading the synopsis of a new science fiction series on Netflix or a horror movie coming soon to a theater near you. No, you are currently not reading a some sorry book report by a fifth grader with a twisted, dark imagination who doesn’t understand the value of human life […]
By S.D. Wells
MASS POPULATION REDUCTION is the underlying goal of the Democrat-Socialist agenda, from last-day abortions and deadly vaccines to illegal immigration and gun control
One major difference between Democrats and Republicans is that most Democrats’ thoughts are clouded by mainstream media hype and the highly subjective, emotionally-charged, “current event” and scripted “official narrative” news, while most Republicans keep the big picture in mind, knowing fake news is always a cover for a long-term, more insidious agenda. If you’ve noticed lately, […]
By S.D. Wells
Two Holocausts: Adolf Hitler exterminated 6 million Jews in the early 1940s, and Planned Parenthood has exterminated 8 million babies since 1970
A massive tragedy, like genocide, is much easier to recognize and catalog into history books when it happens over a short period of time, say a few years, but when one is stretched out over decades, people are less apt to realize the extent of the atrocity, and less likely to sum up all the […]
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